Giving to Widford Parish
Giving to Widford Parish
Members of Widford Parish contribute to the life and work of the church in many ways. Whilst the information below relates to financial giving, other pages on this site explain the variety of ways you can get involved and contribute to life and work of Widford Parish.
There are several ways to do this:
- The Parish Giving Scheme. This is a new venture which is being used extensively by the CofE. Information about it can be found by clicking here. We hope that as many as can will utilise this method which saves us time and energy as an administration team. Please contact the office for more details.
- By setting up a standing order with your bank – if you would like details on how to set this up,see below.
- Through your employer’s payroll giving scheme ‘Give As You Earn’ (GAYE only applies if your employer runs such a scheme – your Human Resources department can provide details on this. For higher rate tax-payers then please also see the section below under ‘tax efficient giving’).
- A regular offering is taken at all our Sunday services. Please use the giving envelopes provided. If you need some Gift Aid envelopes, please ask a church warden for one. Single donations of up to £30 are now eligible for the Gift Aid for Small Donations Scheme.
- If you would like to send us a cheque, please make it payable to Widford Parish PCC and put it in the weekly collection plate or send it to the Parish Office at this address.
Church of the Holy Spirit
& Widford Parish Office,
Forest Drive,
Others may consider making a deposit direct to the church bank account details of which are detailed below:
Co-operative Bank
Account Name: Widford Parish PCC
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65986017
With these details, you can do this online or at your bank.
However you give, if you are a tax payer, and would like the church to receive an extra 25% on top of your donation, then please do fill in a Gift Aid Form, so that we can claim this back for HMRC.
Gift Aid Form for multiple donations
Gift Aid Form for single donations
If you are considering making a bequest to Widford Parish or have already included a gift to Widford Parish in your will and would like to talk to somebody or require more information, then please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the Parish Office This information will be treated in confidence and is not binding in any way. General information is also available from the Church of England’s legacy giving website at
- If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax through the government’s gift aid scheme, you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid declaration if you have not done so already. The benefit to Widford Parish is that we can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given at no extra cost to you. (If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return.)
Gift Aid Form for multiple donations
Gift aid Form for single donations
- Higher rate UK tax payers and payroll giving: if you pay higher or additional rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return, alternatively, you may pass on this extra tax to Widford Parish by giving via your employer’s payroll giving scheme (Payroll Giving).
- If you are a UK higher rate (40%) or additional rate (45%) income tax payer and you give to Widford Parish directly and allow us to reclaim the basic rate tax through Gift Aid then you may recover, through your tax return, the difference between the basic rate tax that Widford Parish recovers and higher or additional rate that you have paid. Alternatively, if you give via Payroll Giving then, because you are giving “pre-tax”, you are able to pass on the full benefit of your tax to Widford Parish immediately; so if you are a higher rate taxpayer Widford Parish will receive 42p more per £1 of donation and for additional rate taxpayers, Widford Parish will receive 57p more per £1 of donation than if you give through Gift Aid. Because these donations are made “pre-tax”, Widford Parish does not have to reclaim the tax that you pay via Gift Aid, this means that you have to build in the “tax-back” element to your donation.
- For example, if you are a higher rate taxpayer and currently give Widford Parish £300 a month, Widford Parish is able to claim £75 of your tax back via Gift Aid. If you donate £500 via Payroll Giving you will receive £300 less pay each month, meaning your £500 donation will cost you the same as your current giving, but Widford Parish will receive £125 more. The same result can be achieved by you filling in a self assessment tax return and re-claiming the difference between the tax recovered via Gift Aid and the tax that you have actually paid but requires you to actually fill in a tax return and takes longer for the gift to be received.