Welcome to Widford!
Welcome to Widford
Parish's website
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the
following services, if you prefer to not attend
in person at this time, we also live-stream most of our
Sunday services on our Facebook pages.
Coming up...
Sunday 12th January
Morning Prayer - St Mary's @ 9:30am
Praise and worship - CHS @ 10:30am
Readings: Isaiah 43: 1-7 and Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22
Sunday 19th January
Holy Communion - St Mary's @ 9:30am
Holy Communion - CHS @ 10:30am
Reading: Isaiah 62:1-5 and John 2: 1-11
Sunday 26th January
All Age Worship (Christian unity) - St Mary's @ 9:30am
Morning Praise - CHS @ 10:30am
Readings: Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10 and Luke 4: 14-21
Our usual Sunday worship times:
9:30am at St. Marys Church, London Road CM2 8TE
10:30am at Church of the Holy Spirit (CHS), Forest Drive
We welcome all, whatever your age, colour, race or gender.
We would love to welcome you to any of our services
- just come along and meet us and find out more about Jesus
If you want to know more about the Christian
faith contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hope cafe is open from 9am - 12 noon on Monday and Tuesday mornings.
During term time only!
Widford Parish Centre, Forest Drive
All welcome.
Very Reasonable prices. Come for a chat and hot drink and more.
Card payments and Cash welcome
Open Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 - 12 noon in the
Parish Centre, Forest Drive, CM1 2TS.
£1.50 per session
During term time only
Under 5's
Hope Cafe is running at the same time, so hot and cold drinks and snacks are available!
We also host a bereavement Friendship Group.
The group is open to those who have been bereaved
Widford Parish Mission Statement Prayer
Loving Heavenly Father,
Please help us to grow to be more like Jesus.
We want to get to know Christ together
by loving one another, serving others
and being at the heart of our community.
Lord Jesus, please encourage us on our way.
Widford Parish Safeguarding
Our parish of Widford: CHS/ St Mary's is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm.
We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).
Our Diocese of Chelmsford’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO.
If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact thePSO Barbara Jones on 01245 353663 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer on 01245 294444
or safeguarding@chelmsford.
Further information is available here
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone,
please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.
The General Data Protection Regulations came into force in May 2018.
Please if you have not yet sent us your completed form or informed us of your choice of continued contact, fill in a form from the GDPR page, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.us. Thank you.