Parish Office

officeThe Parish Office is our information centre and is based at the Parish Centre in Forest Drive. Please contact us for any queries you have regarding our services and the groups we offer to the community.

You can contact us via this link

Opening hours are:-

Monday: 9:15am to 11:45am   Tuesday, Thursday and  Friday: 10.30am to 12.30pm

Wednesday 9:30am to 12:30am

The office is closed between Christmas and New Year, and also in August except Mondays when we will try to keep it open.

 If you have any queries for example, weddings, baptisms, confirmations etc in our Parish, please fill in the form on the drop down list under Contact us - Marriage, Baptisms, and Funerals. This will go directly to Rev'd Stephanie Gillingham. Her day off is Thursday.

If are interested hiring our hall, please take a look at the hall hire booklet, and then if you are interested, please fill in the form under Hall Hire above.

If you have prayer requests or any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact us and we can put you in touch with the relevant people to help you.

You can contact us by visiting the office at the above times or by ringing us at any time on 01245 355 989 and leaving a message on our answer phone.

Alternatively, you can contact us electronically by sending us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or alternately our address for correspondence is:

If you would like to receive our weekly news sheet, then click This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and send us your request

Widford Parish Office,  

Forest Drive,




Our Caretaker's number 07551 771 227

Office Hours


The  office is now open from 10am to 12am,

Monday to Friday every week.

01245 355 989

You may call outside of these hours and leave an answerphone message and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us via the Office email address:  [email protected]

This email address is checked on a regular basis by a number of people,

and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


The website was last updated on 30th October 2024


If you would like to make a donation, please use the following QR code

Widford Parish. Give a little code

and follow the link and choose your amount.  Thank you


Church of the Holy Spirit
& Widford Parish Office,
Forest Drive,

UK Charity Number: 1128307

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